Saturday, August 18, 2012

School and the Birth of a Desert Witch

Merry Meet!
So today I start my first day back at college, and I am more then excited to start this semester! I am working on a degree in botany, and currently finishing the last of my pre-requisites.
My Bio Notes and Book.

The class that I took today was a biology class, and it is centered around the Sonoran desert which is mainly located in Arizona.

I am partly glad that I am taking this class due to the fact that I get to know more about the land I live in. I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, I can identify the trees and wildlife. So hopefully after this semester I will be able to do the same here, as well as learn more about the ecosystems.

I am also taking Gender in Society, Buried Cities and Lost Tribes, and Abnormal Psychology. I can't wait to start the rest of them.
Cacti in the backyard.
And so begins the Birth of the Desert Witch-- I will see the desert with new eyes. I will feel the power that the desert has to offer as well as proper offerings to the Great Desert and hold her in a new light.


So... I thought that the herb satchel was not working properly. Turns out not even using it, I was not getting the proper amount of sleep. I had to force myself to get some extra sleep, and tell myself it was okay to sleep past 8am. I mean-- a few weeks ago I couldn't get up before 1 pm.

I will try and charge the amethyst stone differently, or look into other herbs and stones that will work with what I am trying to accomplish.

-Blessed Be

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